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Friday 4 April 2014


 I’m quite fluent with Financial Freedom
An essence of being born with silver spoon
I’m not a novice when you talk of applying Wisdom
Intelligence is what my parents have groomed
I know united we stand, divided we fall
This theory can be confirmed, experimenting with a bunch of broom
I have heard “One’s heart lies where you place your treasure”
Good for those whose success is entwined with their pleasure
Mama told me the solution in times of trouble
Is walking away, keeping quiet or better still, a deep breathe
Most men say this act qualifies being responsible
I put that into practice and peaceful existence have I always felt
Can I ever forget my teachers saying “Health is Wealth?”
Just as I know and can testify to the good things money can buy
I know how appealing it is defining your style
Experience shows me how happiness doesn’t cost a dine
I studied ant hills and I’ve learnt from the ants
Now I can tell you how bad it is to lazy around
Money is not everything, but it is worse to have no money in a man’s pant
Christianity has opened my understanding to faith, miracles and signs
But the effect of Idleness is contrary to plus signs
And if you are of a different belief, do act and weigh your bank account
Even the bible defines what faith without work,
As I can explain no action no action with much talk
He who neglects one of the best thing in life “LOVE”
Has thrown away peace, leaving all his problems unsolved
As the Yoruba adage says "T’eni t’eni" meaning "What I own is mine"
So do we all know that stich in time save nine?
But the knowledge of all these alone doesn’t guarantee success
If you’ve not passed in your mind this five odd words
Use it wisely, it is yours .....

Author: Tiptop

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