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Wednesday 26 March 2014


Welcome to the third plenary of the ongoing National Conference in Nigeria.
Earlier today, Ayodele Adekanbi drew the attention of the Conference to the plight of physically challenged delegates. He noted that during inauguration, people on wheelchairs could not access the venue. Speaking on Order 12(1, he said, “We want to request that persons with disabilities be selected to cut across all the Committees. We are 90 million disabled persons in the country.”
Mr. Adekanbi appealed to delegates to support the yearning of the persons living with disabilities, adding that such people were being marginalised on a daily basis all over the country.
He added, “While women are crying for attention today, someday, somehow, we will all grow old and disability will set in and we will experience what they are experiencing now. So please let us put the physically challenged into consideration.”
The Chairman asked people living with disabilities to choose the Committee they want to belong.
Deputy Chairman Bolaji Akinyemi took the microphone and asked the rowdy hall to give the chairman his deserved respect and obey his order.
Speaking after, Chairman Kutigi said he has already ruled that thorough debate will be taken on the 2/3 or 3/4 decision at a later date. He said he still stands by that order and asked for continuation on discussion on Order 12.

Justice Gummi, asked delegates to calm down and told them that delegates are faced with weighty issues. He proposed for a 3/4 decision because it is “a near unanimity”.
Decided weighty issues on a simple majority will be doing more harm than good.
The hall is almost becoming uncontrollable as the chairman’s plea for order is continuously ignored.
Dan Nwanyanwu; after speaking on this issue, i may not be tempted to speak again. He said delegates should go with 2/3. He moved a motion that all decision should be decided by 2/3 majority of the conference.
Adamu Aliyu, a former Chief Judge asked the delegates to simply passed the order as proposed because according to him everything is ok.
Obong Victor Attah, spokes order 11 rule 2, which said in case of failure to reach a matter by consensus it shall be decided by 3/4.
he said the rule is silent on whether the matter shall be decided on the 3/4 of delegates sitting and voting or the entire delegate membership.
He said 2/3 has always guided decisions in Nigeria. He appealed to the delegates to go back to the time honoured 2/3 method in Nigeria. His comments elicited wide response of both yes and no!
Power is Restored! Proceeding continues
Electricity Supply is gone. Proceedings halted
Mike Ozekhome, on the other hand, said he does not want to speak through a representative because he does not want to be accused of being bought over.
Felicia Sani Asked for an amendment to rule 17 to allow committees submit their written reports to the secretariat and not the chairman.
Adefemi Kila advised the chairman,  to ensure that each order being discussed is concluded before he hit the gavel. on order 9 rule 12: he said NSE has prepared a conference paper which he will be presenting.
Deputy Chairman Bolaji AKinyemi explained that the committees may appear over loaded but there is a challenge of lack of enough committee rooms at the NJI.
Orok Otu Duke: Votes and Proceedings should be given the next day while Hansards can be given on Thursdays.
Commenting on Rule 12, Mr Duke said those proposing motions should submit a list of their names after which they can be identified by the presiding officers to speak. He also said Principal officers should determine the number of committees, he argued that the list of proposed committees as proposed are over loaded and should be streamlined. “A committee having 15 to 16 items might be unwieldy” he said.
Meanwhile Delegates have continued with their discussion on order 9 of the draft Rule.
John Dara: (North Central) said he supports the submission by Joe Odumakin that all delegates should be given three minutes to speak instead of 10 minutes for group leaders to speak on behalf of their groups.
Anayo Enegbe (Former Speakers Forum) this is 2014 confab not 2005. He recalled that President Goodluck Jonathan had asked the delegates not to apply old solutions to new problems. He said rule 1 and 2 of order 9 have already been adopted. He said it has been agreed that delegates should speak through their representatives when it comes to the presentation of group positions. He said allowing people from the same group speak individually is a way of calling for anarchy.
Yinka Odumakin (south West) said Security matters should not be discussed in plenary.
He also said there should be no attempt to gag the media. He said delegates have not been sent to the National Conference to “come and sleep”. He said the Media are not being mischievous but “only doing their job”.
Dan Nwanyanwu (Labour Party) also speaking on the matter first congratulated the secretariat for a tremendous improvement in their duties. He also reminded the delegates that they are here for serious business.
“Whoever wants to sleep should take their stairs and find a place to take a nap; The press did not lie with the picture in page 6 of the Leadership newspaper. If you want to sleep don’t do it here because the press will get you,” he said.
Mahmud Aminu (CSO) while speaking, shortly after the security concerns, aid there appears to be slanted and negative reports in the media over the conference. He said the Press should be responsible on its reportage.
He recalled that last week a Delegate simply asked if he is entitled to an assistant? But the press reported that delegates are asking for their aides to be paid.
He made reference to a Picture story in page 6 in the Leadership newspaper of today and said it was aimed at painting the delegate who appears to be sleeping in bad light. He urged the chairman to ask the press to report the proceedings with all sense of responsibility.
Although delegates are happy entry into the conference venue is easier today, they are worried about the infiltration of the venue and a security breach. Mansur Dan ALi (Zamfara) requested ease of access should not compromise on security. He said the security officials at the gate should always screen vehicles before allowing them in contrary to the practice this morning.
He also said more officials should be deployed beyond just the gate but all around the NJI. He said there are eminent Nigerians at the conference, and that if anything happens to them it will affect Nigeria seriously.
He also said plain cloth security officials should be discreet and the display of weapons by the SSS is unnecessary because they are not supposed to be engaged in combat duties.
Announcement continues…
Henceforth, delegates must identify themselves by name and group before speaking for proper recording, the sceretary also announced.
He confirmed that the N1.4 million delegates received over the weekend was two weeks allowance in advance, and that subsequent payments will be made fortnightly.
Before commencement of plenary, the Assistant Secretary Finance, Prof. Yakubu made the following announcements:
He said 28 delegates are still yet to collect their bags which contain conference materials.
He also asked to confirm the participation of a delegate from the UK representing Nigerians in the Disapora, Adebayo Oladimeji, as well as Cyril Amako and Arikije Alan James Royal Highness, representing ethnic nationalities.
He also said some delegates submitted up to ten names as aides for accreditation adding that the secretariat cannot afford to do that.
The Delegates finally agreed that only one driver and an aide will be accredited.
The official also announced that Car parks are also being allocated based on Royal Fathers, Elder statesmen, Other Delegates and the Media. Tags to that effect will be given at lunch time.
At 10:00 a.m, the plenary Hall was almost full as nearly all the delegates were seated waiting for the arrival of the Chairman and his team of officials for the sitting to commence. PREMIUM TIMES have observed that the encumbrances at the gate have eased tremendously.
The Chairman and other officials arrived at exactly 10:03 a.m. to commence discussions on comments and observation on the draft rules of procedure, continued from the previous plenary.

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